Here’s what you need to know to make your decision

Everyone has been there: the day you wake up, look at your calendar, and realize that it’s Friday. You’re off work for the next two days and you don’t have to go back until Monday. The thought of going into that office makes you want to scream.
The problem is that you have bills to pay and a family to take care of—and quitting your job isn’t something that’s easy to do or something that comes without consequences.
Have you been thinking about quitting your job? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, 41% of workers globally are thinking about handing in their notice, according to a new Microsoft survey . But even if you’re ready to move on, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Anyone who has quit a job knows it involves more than just walking out of the office and saying “see ya.”
Sometimes when you first think about quitting your job, it’s easy to get excited about changing careers. But as time goes on, you discover that this isn’t as easy to do. You may have medical insurance from a job you work at or a job that you love because of your friends and family. You may have financial problems and squandering all your money for an early retirement makes no sense. If you quit your job too soon, these issues can be very problematic in your life.
Why do people quit their jobs
When considering whether or not to quit your job, there are a lot of factors that need to be considered. Most people quit their jobs for one of these reasons:
They don’t like the culture: If your company has a culture that doesn’t suit you, then there’s really no reason to stay.
They’re unhappy with their company and feel like they need to make a change.
They want to start their own business or be more entrepreneurial.
They’re mistreated by their boss: If your boss is constantly putting you down or making fun of you, then it can be hard to stay in this type of environment.
Their skills aren’t being utilized: If you feel like all of your hard work isn’t being recognized and appreciated at work, then maybe it’s time for a change!
They want more money: If this is the main reason why someone decides to quit their job, then they may want to reconsider their decision. It’s important to remember that money isn’t everything; if quitting means sacrificing other things (like happiness or fulfillment), then perhaps staying put would be better for both parties involved!
Regardless of what your reason is for wanting to quit your job, whether you’re stuck in a dead-end job, or Your job is making you sick or that Your boss is making your life miserable, or Your work ethic doesn’t align with your company’s value; there are several things you should consider before making your final decision:
Before making your final decision
Before making your final decision, consider the emotional, financial, and professional impact of quitting and think of the following:
- What are your goals? Do you have a long-term career plan? Do you see yourself in the same position in 5 years? If not, it might be time to move on.
- Do you have a backup plan? If you quit your job, what will you do next?
- Do you have enough saved up to pay bills while you search for a new job? If not, consider putting off quitting until you can afford it. If you do have enough saved up, that’s great! You’ll be able to focus on finding a new job without worrying about how you’re going to pay rent or buy groceries while looking for work.
- How much money will you make in your new job? Are there other benefits that come along with the job that aren’t reflected in the salary? Is there an opportunity for advancement or promotion within the company? Will you be able to work remotely, or can you telecommute?
- Are there any perks like health insurance, dental insurance, education reimbursement/tuition assistance and retirement plans that would benefit your family’s well-being and finances?
- Is there another area of your life that needs more attention or support than your job currently provides? Do you feel like quitting will give you the time and energy needed for that other area?
If you have a dream job that pays well, where your skills are put to excellent use, and offers good work/life balance, then you should probably stick with it. However, if the reasons that drove you to quit originally haven’t been addressed after several months or years, then you should seriously consider making a move. Either way, though, decision to quit or not is yours and yours alone to make. Consider all the pros and cons of quitting before finally making up your mind.
How to Quit a Job Gracefully
When the time comes to leave your job, you want to make sure that you do it in the most professional manner possible. This will not only help ensure that you get your last paycheck, but it will also help protect your reputation as a worker who is reliable and hard-working.
When you’re ready to quit your job, it’s important to prepare yourself for what’s ahead.
- First, prepare your resignation letter. Make sure it’s clear and concise, and that it includes all the information they’ll need from you (such as when you’ll be leaving and who will be taking over your responsibilities). You may also want to ask for feedback on how you’ve done in the role or offer any information that might help with the transition from you to your replacement.
- Next, check with your current contract. If there are any “firing” rules that apply in your situation (like if you’re on probation), make sure you follow them properly before officially handing in notice.
- Talk to your boss! Let them know why it’s time for you to move on from this position, and ask them if there are any specific things, they’d like from you before leaving.
- Ask for a reference! This is something many people forget about—but it can be very beneficial when applying for another job down the line.
- Finalize all the details of your departure: how much notice will be given? Who will cover your responsibilities while they search for a replacement? Is there anything else they need from you.
- A farewell to your colleagues: If you have been working at a company for some time and have built a good relationship with your colleagues, consider sending an email to inform them of your departure. In this case, do not include any details about why you are leaving. Simply thank them for their support and kindness during your tenure with the company.
The best piece of advice I ever received was to never inconvenience my employer by quitting. Of course, if you are in a relationship with your employer where they truly care about you, and they’re helping you grow by providing resources and opportunities, then it is likely safe to say that your boss doesn’t want you to quit. And if that’s the case, right now is not the right time for you.
In the end, you have to weigh all of these pros and cons and look down the line to make your final decision. What is most important to you? What are you looking for in your next position? Do those things outweigh where you are right now?
On our end, we hope that this article helped with your answer.
Good luck to everyone out there and be sure to keep learning!