How to Deal with Criticism Like A Pro

How to Deal with Criticism Like A Pro
Dr. Salam Slim Saad
By Dr. Salam Slim Saad

Nobody likes criticism, especially when it’s unfair. But unfortunately, it’s a reality of life, especially in the workplace. Unfair criticism can be damaging to your self-esteem and career. It can also lead to feelings of resentment and frustration. But there are ways to cope with unfair criticism at work, and even use it as an opportunity for growth and personal development. In this blog post, we explore how to deal with critical comments at work by understanding where they come from and developing strategies to respond effectively.

What Is Criticism?

Criticism is a general term used to refer to negative feedback. It can be directed at your work, your mannerisms, or even your appearance. Criticism can be constructive and helpful, but it’s also possible to receive unfair criticism. 

There are two types of criticism: constructive and destructive. 

Constructive criticism is a type of feedback that helps you improve your performance or behavior. It’s given in a way that encourages you to take the advice and use it to make positive changes. Constructive criticism addresses specific issues or ways in which an individual could improve their performance in a specific area. Constructive criticism can take many forms: from simple suggestions such as “Have you tried this approach?” to more specific suggestions such as “I think you should try using these resources when making your presentation next time.

Constructive criticism can be used to:

  • Improve your performance at work.
  • Help you overcome your weaknesses, so they don’t hold you back from reaching your goals.
  • Give feedback on something that needs to be improved.

Destructive criticism focuses on personal attacks rather than actual job performance issues, it is the feedback that doesn’t help you grow, improve, or become more effective at your job. Instead, it just makes you feel bad about yourself—and that’s the last thing we want!

This kind of criticism can come from your boss, coworkers, or even yourself. It can take the form of someone telling you that you’re “too slow” or “not good enough.” It could be a voice in your head saying things like: “You’re not good enough for this job.” Or “You don’t deserve to be here.”

Accepting Fair Criticism

Accepting fair criticism is a lot like accepting a compliment: it requires you to be open-minded and humble.

To begin, we recommend that you take a step back from whatever the situation is and remember that your criticizer is not the enemy. They are just someone who has an opinion about something that affects their work or life. You should also remember that this person probably cares deeply about the project or issue at hand.

After taking a few deep breaths, approach the conversation with an open mind. Try to understand where this person is coming from and why they’re saying what they’re saying. It may help to imagine yourself in their shoes and think about how you would react if someone were criticizing something you worked on (or even something unrelated).

If you can’t see things from their perspective, try asking questions about what makes them feel that way. If there are any gaps in communication, these questions will help bridge them—and allow both parties to get on board with solutions that will make everyone happy!

Disagreeing (politely) With Unfair Criticism 

You can disagree with the criticism, but you need to do it without coming across as aggressive or passive, for example, If someone accuses you of being late for work every day and you know that isn’t true, you can respond by saying something like “No, I’m not always late. I might be late occasionally, but I’m certainly not always late.”

If you do not think that the criticism is fair, you can simply disagree with it. The key, in this case though, is to maintain a confident and calm body language and voice.

You do not want to come across as aggressive or passive.

How To Prevent Unfair Criticism

As a member of a team, it is important to be able to deal with unfair criticism. People in your company may not always be willing to see things from your perspective, or they may be biased against you. Learning how to handle difficult situations can help you improve your relationship with these people and make sure that you are treated fairly.

Here are some ways you can prevent unfair criticism:

  • Listen:  Listen carefully when someone is criticizing you. Make sure that you understand what they are saying and ask questions if necessary. If someone is criticizing your ideas, it may help to ask them what they would like instead. This can help them realize that their idea isn’t necessarily better than yours.
  • Be calm: It’s easy to become upset when someone criticizes you unfairly. It’s important not to react negatively, as this will only make things worse than they already are!
  • Remember your goals:  While dealing with unfair criticism is difficult, it’s also important not to let it interfere with other aspects of your life or career development plans. Remembering this will help keep things in perspective when dealing with these types of situations in the future!
  • Communicate openly and honestly with your boss and co-workers. If you feel like you’re being unfairly criticize, let them know. They may not be aware of how their words are affecting you. Try to understand what the other person is saying.

Should You Confront Your Critic?

It can be difficult to know how to respond when you are faced with criticism, especially if you feel that it is unfair. There are a few things to consider before deciding whether or not to confront your critic.

First, ask yourself if the criticism is valid. If it is, then there is no need to confront your critic because they are simply pointing out an area in which you need to improve. However, if you feel that the criticism is unfair or unjustified, then you may want to consider confronting your critic.

Second, think about the purpose of confronting your critic. Are you looking to defend yourself? Or are you hoping to resolve the issue and improve your relationship with this person? If you’re only interested in defending yourself, then it’s likely that the conversation will not go well and may even make the situation worse. However, if you’re hoping to resolve the issue and improve your relationship, then it’s worth considering confrontation.

Third, consider the possible consequences of confronting your critic. Will it make them angry? Will it make them more likely to criticize you in the future? These are important things to think about before deciding whether or not to confront your critic.

Then, determine if this person has a history of giving unfair criticism.  If they do, then look for ways to prevent them from doing so in the future: talk about it with other people who can help you see things differently, ask for feedback about your performance from someone outside of your department (like a manager), and be sure that you have documentation showing how well you have done in the past so that if necessary, you can refer back to it when they try something similar again!

If you decide that confronting your critic is the best course of action, there are a few things you can do to prepare for the conversation. First, try to remain calm and constructive throughout the conversation. Second, be prepared to listen to what they have to say and really hear their

Tips for Handling Criticism

If you’re the type of person who can’t help but take criticism personally, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, in the workplace, this can be a recipe for disaster. If you can’t learn to handle criticism in a constructive way, it will only lead to problems with your boss, your co-workers, and your career.

Here are a few tips for handling criticism at work:

  • Don’t take it personally. This is easier said than done, but it’s important to remember that criticism is not always a reflection of you as a person. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of opinion or perspective.
  • Respond To the Topic and Not to The Tone.A lot of the time, when we’re dealing with criticism at work, it’s because we’ve made a mistake or done something that wasn’t up to par. So, we get defensive, and the conversation gets tense. But the fact is, the other person didn’t say anything wrong—they just said something that upset you. They didn’t know it would upset you. And they don’t have any reason to go back and change what they said (unless they’re trying to be mean). So instead of getting defensive, try responding to the content of what they said instead of their tone; if there are specific things about their criticism that are bothering you, tell them! But try and keep things friendly and professional while doing so. 
  • Stick to the topic. When faced with unfair criticism, it’s easy to get caught up in the emotional side of the situation and respond to your criticizer in an unprofessional manner. The best way to deal with this kind of situation is to stick to the issue at hand. When you receive unfair criticism from a coworker, client, or boss, don’t respond by arguing or getting defensive. Instead, focus on what they are saying without adding any extra commentary or emotions. Then say something like “I hear what you’re saying,” or “I understand where you’re coming from.” You can also use phrases like “Thank you for bringing that up” or “That’s a great point.” This will help keep things professional and avoid escalating the situation further.
  • Try To Understand the Source. If you can identify the source of the unfair criticism, it may be easier to address it directly. Is there a specific incident that triggered the critic’s negative feelings?
  •  Try to See the Positive Side. Instead of dwelling on the negative, try to find something positive in the criticism. Maybe there’s a kernel of truth that you can learn from.
  • Ask yourself if their criticism is fair or not. If it is, then you can change what needs to be changed and move on. If it’s not, then you need to try to work out a compromise that works for both of you.
  • Respond Constructively. When you’re feeling defensive, it’s tough to respond in a constructive way. But if you can manage it, it will go a long way towards diffusing the situation and preserving relationships.
  • Don’t Reply Or Respond Immediately When you get criticized at work, it’s tempting to respond immediately. You might feel like you have to defend yourself and your work—or you might feel like you have to explain why the criticism is unfair. But before you respond, take a deep breath and step away from the situation for a while. When you’re calmer, you’ll be able to respond in a way that’s more likely to help resolve the situation than if you’d responded on the spot.
  • Don’t Get Defensive. It’s natural to want to defend yourself when you’re being criticized, but this only makes the situation worse. If you can keep your cool and avoid getting defensive, you’ll be in much better shape to handle the situation effectively.
  • Ask The Critique Questions. When you’re being criticized at work, it can feel like a swift kick in the ego. You might be tempted to jump on defense and argue with the person who’s criticizing you. But if you want to handle the situation well, it’s best to ask questions first. You can use this method when you’re dealing with an employee who has been giving you feedback on your work. It’s also helpful when dealing with a manager or coworker who is upset about something and is taking it out on you. Here’s what to do:
    • Ask them what they would like for you to do differently in the future.
    • Next, ask them how they think this could be accomplished, or if there are any resources that could help you improve.
    • Last but not least, thank them for their advice and any resources they’ve provided so that you can make those changes.
  • Avoid getting emotional. Getting emotional will only make the situation worse and make it harder for you to think clearly about how to respond. If
  • Talk to your supervisor.  If the unfair criticism is coming from a coworker, you may want to talk to your supervisor about how to best handle the situation. They may have helpful suggestions or insight into the matter.
  • Document everything. If the unfair criticism continues or escalates, it may be necessary to document each instance. This will provide evidence if you need to take further action, such as filing a complaint with HR or seeking legal advice.
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